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The Dynatronix by Process Technology - MicroStar is one of the most flexible product lines we offer. Designed to be used in almost any general metal finishing application. Simple to use, yet packed with features. Models in the 0.1 to 3 ampere output range are ideally suited for laboratory or R&D applications. DC, High Frequency Pulse (HFP) or Pulse Reverse, Air cooled, Benchtop, 0.1-6 amps, 0-10 volts, 60 watts
Unit of Measure


Output Voltage (DC)

N/A 0-10

Max Avg/Peak Current (Amps)

N/A 1/3

Voltmeter Resolution

N/A *0.1/0.01

Amp Meter Resolution

N/A 0.0 - 299.9 Milliamps (Average) in 0.1 Milliamp Increments 300 - 1000 Milliamps (Average) in 1 Milliamp Increments


N/A Convection


N/A 5.85" H x 12" W x 13.5" D

Voltage and Phase Required:

N/A 110-120V, 50-60 Hz, 1 ph 208-240V, 50-60 Hz, 1 ph
Note1 N/A

*Meter readings below 10 volts will show 0.01 Volt Resolution. #Meter Resolution: Forward or Effective. Minimum Suggested Setting: 1% of peak current rating.

Line Regulation

N/A +/- 1% of setting or +/- 0.1% of maximum rating, whichever is greater

Load Regulation

N/A +/- 1% of setting or +/- 0.1% of maximum rating, whichever is greater

Digital Meter Accuracy

N/A +/- 1% plus L.S.D.

Temperature Stability

N/A 0.2% of peak rating after 15 minute warm up


N/A <1% RMS of maximum rated output voltage


N/A FrontPanel+ Host Control Program for process set-up, process storage and data logging


N/A Analog interface board: 0-10V Analog interface board: 4-20mA Auxiliary totalizer with relay output to turn on/off pumps, mixer, etc. Ramp timer Recipe creation and storage Trickle current



2 Years


N/A 15.0 lbs


N/A Dynatronix
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